domingo, 11 de marzo de 2018

Brain donation urged by Cardiff dementia research centre

This piece of news talks about brain donation. It says that it’s important to donate your brain, when you die, because it can help with dementia research whether your brain is affected or not.
There are still a lot of investigations to make, but there has to be something to work with, so that’s why brain donation is so important.
Personal opinion
I believe it’s very important to give your body to science, because that’s the way scientists are going to discover more things can save lives. Giving your body to science has always been frowned upon, mostly by the church, but nowadays it’s becoming more and more accepted so I’m very glad.

 I always have had a personal battle because on one hand I want to donate my body to science because I believe in it and I think it's important to keep progressing and discovering new solutions to illnesses, but on the other hand I want to have a place where my relatives can “visit me”. So I thought that the best I could do was, donate all my organs to science, bury the remainders and make a tree grow up from them through a Bios Incube, which is a biodegradable urn where you can grow up a tree from the ashes of someone.

Transgender woman breastfeeds baby in first recorded case, study says

This news talks about the first transgender woman able to breastfeed her child. It all started because her partner (who was pregnant) didn’t want to do it so, this woman, after taking some health measures could be the one who breastfed the baby.
Before the birth, doctors put her on a course, usually given to women who hadn’t got biological babies, to make her produce artificial milk.
Although the baby had to drink a supplement of milk because the breast milk wasn’t enough, it was quite good, and the baby developed properly.
Personal opinion
I am so glad to read this piece of news, because it means that we are progressing as a society. It’s true that it is a big step in science, but it is a great advance in human rights too. I’ve always thought that everyone should be equal, no one should have more benefits than another, but given that it can’t happen, we should try our bests to make it happen.
This kind of thing couldn’t have happened in another time, because of the old-fashioned thoughts, and the lack of technology and science that we have now. I believe breastfeeding a child could be one of the most wanted and most impossible things at the same time. Now if you are a transgender woman it is actually was possible. So now that we’ve got the science, it’s time to open up our minds and go with the changes.

sábado, 10 de marzo de 2018

Abstract: Antimicrobial resistance

In the past 50 years, science has evolved so fast. Year by year, new treatments have been discovered in order to solve all the illnesses you can imagine. But with all these advances, new problemas have appeared, like the antimicrobial resistance. And that's what my research project is about.
I divided the project into two parts, the theoretical part, where I explain things like, the action and resistance mechanisms of antibiotics, the differences between natural and synthetic antibiotics or the powers of a superbug. And in the practical part I made a comparison between synthetic antibiotics and natural ones, to prove if some bacteria could develop resistance.

International Women's Day: 'Millions' join Spain strike

This piece of news talks about women’s day, on the  8th of March, when women workers went out  on the streets to protest against gender inequality and sexual discrimination. Unions said that 5.3 million women had joined the strike.
Women who took part of the strike, stopped working for that day, they had to ditch domestic chores too. The thing was to show the world that if women stop, everything else stops, but as Spanish law doesn’t allow for single-gender strikes, men were welcome too, to fight for women’s rights.
There have been public people who did it and some others who didn't.
Personal opinion
I simply have no words for all the images I saw on the TV, I am so proud of what we, as women, are doing. I think it’s so important to protest when you don't agree with something, and that by fighting for what you want ,you are going to get it, despite the time it takes.
Not so many years ago, women were so insignificant to society, they were treated as stupid , as not being able to think at all. They couldn’t work because “they were only useful to be in the kitchen or to take care of children”, they couldn’t have properties, they couldn’t even vote. Nowadays, although there is still a lot of work to do, thanks to some strong women who fought for our rights, we are as we are now, and I couldn’t be more thankful. So that’s what we should keep doing, fight  against sexism to establish an equal society.
It’s true that there is a long way to go, the economic gap is still big, women earn between  13-19% less than men for doing the same job, and there are a lot less women in high positions than men. Every year in Spain, there are at least 100 hundred women murderers carried out by men, and a lot of them had restraining orders, which means that, as a country, is it not controlled enough.
Another thing I want to mentions is that, this news says literally “The ruling centre-right party, the Partido Popular (PP), said the action was "for feminist elites and not real women with everyday problems". Well, I respect everyone’s decision, but I cannot understand their position - everyday problems are the ones that matter. We do a lot of little things that are sexist and we don’t even notice, and besides, who is he or she, to say anything to anyone, everyone has the right of protest about something he or she feels unfair.
I have a lot of things to say about this, but to end it I want to say that I am proud seeing that symbol of unity, 5 million women, fighting together to get their rights


sábado, 3 de marzo de 2018

Florida shooting: How the attack happened

Last 14th of February a terrible incident happened in a high school in Florida. An expelled student, Nikolas Cruz, went into his old school wearing a gas mask and carrying a rifle. What he did to kill people was, setting off the alarm so the people came out of the classes and he could shoot more people. Students were led off the campus by police officers while the gunman was fleeing the building. Nikolas Cruz was taken an hour after the attack just a few miles from the attack.
Personal opinion
I am so worried because of the behaviour of these people, I mean; Nikolas Cruz wasn’t born like this, he, somehow turned out to be a violent crazy man. So in my opinion the problem is how did he become like this? Maybe the gunman as a child was unattended at home or he didn’t have many friends, so he is frustrated and angry with life in general. I’m not saying that he isn’t guilty of what he did, because unless he has a several mental illness, he was aware of what he was doing, which makes the gunman a crazy psychopath who is clearly has no empathy at all. I can’t even think what was going through Nikolas mind during the shooting, and worse, preparing the attack. How crazy do you have to be to plan a massive shooting in a school, where there’s people with all life ahead?
When I hear news like this I could not be more sad and angry; because I think about all the families that this maniac has broken and the only thing I wish is that he rots in jail. 
I think that America, as a country should learn from all these mistakes and change the law about wapons, because this might not have happened if America had stricter gun laws.

TED talks

In this post I want to talk about a TED talk related to our project Connected, called 3 fears about screen time for kids and why they aren't true? By Sara DeWitt a worker in PBS kids, a television network directed at children. She tries to make the power of technology as positive as possible in children's life.
Sara starts the talk saying that we can be with our phone all day long but then when a child touches a screen everyone goes crazy and thinks that it's wrong for children to be with technological devices. She defends that it doesn't have to be in that way, that devices can be helpful in a child’s growth. 
Miss DeWitt talks about three main fears that all people have about this topic. It is said that screens are passive, that if a child spends a lot of time with devices he/she would never go out. So what PBS team did was create a sort of interactive videogame where children could “be” animals. Therefore, when a child shut the screen down, he could still be that animal, and when he went out he remembered what he saw in the animal, how it was, what did it eat or the differences between that animal and the others.
Sara says that another fear is that playing games on the computer is nonsense and besides it distracts the child from its obligations. The company (PBS) created a series of games called Curious George that could predict children’s abilities, they could evaluate students. To do this, they compared some data analysis from the game with the average mark of each student.
Finally, the last fear is that sometimes, people think that screens isolate them from their child. Well, Sara says that’s not true, because although you can be away from them while they are playing, the child will be so excited about the videogame he/she just played that he/she could be talking about it for hours.
Personal opinion
I’ve always been told that screens are harmful for our health, that they could damage your eyes, your brain, your back, etc. I have always thought that, as everything, it is harmful if you abuse that thing. I mean, obviously that you are going to have bad eyesight if you have been watching a series or the computer for 20 hours without stop, but if you use it in the right way there is no need of this to happen. 
On the other hand I think that children around the age of 3 years old, as the video says, shouldn’t be playing with computers or tablets so early; they should be exploring the world, discovering new things every day. It’s true that society progresses and maybe there are a lot of new ways to make a child discover things through a screen, but well, I believe it’s always more fun to hear the noise of an actual cow, rather than hearing it from a tablet.
Another thing that the video mentions is about learning or evaluating through videogames. Regarding this matter, I think the idea is quite good, but as a supplement, because yes, you can learn some skills from videogames that maybe a book wouldn’t give you, but there are things such as grammar, maths or physical education that a videogame can’t give you. In addition, I believe that it could be useful until a certain age, because as kids grow up maybe they won’t be as excited to play videogames as they were as children.
To sum up I want to say that it’s true that new technologies can help us a lot, but it’s also true that they can be harmful if we don’t use them in a correct way.

lunes, 19 de febrero de 2018

Christmas holidays

In this post I want to talk about Christmas and how I spend it year every year. To me, Christmas is the most beautiful celebration of the year, in fact it is the only thing that I like about winter (because I hate cold, and being an onion with all the jackets, scarfs and jumpers). A lot of people think that Christmas is becoming a materialistic holiday, and yes, obviously the industry gets a lot of money from all the presents, but I don’t think that Christmas has to lose its magic because of this. Apart from spending time with my family, the thing I love the most of Christmas time is the atmosphere; I mean, everyone is in the streets doing their Christmas shopping, the streets are full of lights and people singing Christmas carols… Everything is so magical and it reminds me when I was little and the eagerness I felt during these special dates.
As a tradition every year we decorate our Christmas tree on the long weekend of December, and then it’s when I feel that Christmas is about to start. When the school trimester comes to an end, me and my family pack the suitcase and hit the road to Barcelona. We used to stay in Barcelona from the 23rd to the 27th but this year for certain circumstances we only spent one night there, which makes me very sad because we almost didn’t have time to spend with my grandparents. But well, we had lunch all together on Christmas day, which by the way it was delicious and I couldn’t eat more. The following day we got back on the road to arrive to Albacete. We stayed there from the 26th to the 3rd of January. There we did a lot of things with our family; we were having lunch all together day in and day out, my grandmother took me and my cousins to the cinema, I saw my friends from there and all the time we spent there was great and perfect. Regarding New Year’s Eve, my sister and I used to spend it having dinner with all my family, but the last two years, although our heart hurt because we love having New Year’s dinners with our family, we decided to spend it with our friends in the village we go to in the summer. Well, after these Christmas days, the 3rd of January we took the car again, but this time to go to a little village in Huesca to finish the holidays snowboarding. Apart from some falls, to be the second time we did snowboarding, it was quite good.
I have to say that my Christmas holidays have been perfect and every year is better than the year before.

jueves, 15 de febrero de 2018

Pakistan gang 'stole spinal fluid from women'

This piece of news talks about four people who stole spinal fluid from women to sell it on the black market. This happened in Pakistan, one of the members of the gang was acting like a doctor while he was telling his victims what did they had to do. The impostor told his preys that they had to give their blood samples to qualify to the Punjab government dowry fund. But when they had to extract the blood, the gang didn’t take women to the hospital, they took them into a house to perform the procedure.

Personal opinion
First of all, I have to say that every time I hear news like this one I can avoid thinking what kind of people they have to be, who they think they are? I mean, they aren’t anybody to be cheating people to get profit from them. Why is it so hard for everybody to behave well and be kind to each other? The world would be so much better than it is now.
On the other hand, I think that this kind of things happen when a country is not regulated enough, if this illegality was punished harder or maybe just more investigated there would be far less corruption like this. I know that it must be so difficult to rule a city but I'm sure there is a way to control all this bad incidents and protect more the residents of the country.

miércoles, 14 de febrero de 2018


A few weeks ago, we had to do our research project presentation in English class. As I said in another post, my paper was about antimicrobial resistance.
To support my presentation I used a power point, in fact it was almost the same power point I used in my real presentation, so I think it was pretty accurate talking about the making up for between the images and the texts. Although it had to last 5 minutes, mine lasted 7 ,more or less ,but well, it doesn't matter, the more the better isn't it?
About body language, when I was doing it, I thought I was looking more at the public than I actually did, but it wasn't so bad given that I didn't read and I wasn't completely still, I moved around pointing at the screen to make myself clear. 
As for the content, I believe that it was good considering that I prepared the paper and the presentation over so many days, and regarding to the content, it doesn't matter if I did it in Catalan, the only thing I had to do was translate it, so that's why I think it was a great content. I tried to summarise the best I could to not make it tiresome.
Regarding the language, I think it was proper and quite good because I perceived that everyone understood me. But on the other hand it was not very complex, because as always, I wrote my paper with the perfect word for every moment but on the day it came out as it wanted, so I ended up talking normally. Finally with regards to my pronunciation, I did a very big mistake mispronouncing  antibiotic but well, the rest of the words I think were pretty good.

viernes, 2 de febrero de 2018

Research project

Last 15th of January, the nightmare of the research project ended forever, no more stressing about the deadlines, no more experiments, no more surfing on the net for hours and hours to get information. It’s true that the paper itself, was delivered before Christmas, but we still had to do the presentation after Christmas so the stress of doing that was there.
I remember when I was in first of batxillerat and all the teachers told us that the students of second of batxillerat were doing the presentation of the projects, and I thought it was so far away from me, I mean, it was one year away, but here we are with all the work done.
We’ve been searching for information, reading articles, looking for experiments to do, and preparing the paper all summer long, to start the new school year with less work to do, yet, during the first trimester we had to do a lot of things, apart from all we had to do from high school (homework, essays, studying for exams…). In my case, although I had the theoretical part pretty advanced, I still had to keep doing it because it wasn’t as perfect as I wanted. On the other hand, I had to start the practical part, I knew what I wanted to do, but I had to do it, so I missed some classes to go to the lab, I had to stay in high school some afternoons… Even though I had to spend a lot of time, it wasn’t so bad given that I was doing something I like and I want to study it in the future.
Once I had all the paper done, I had to focus on the presentation, so I prepared my presentation, and I waited until my turn. I had the presentation at 5:30 pm therefore I saw a lot of my classmates going into their classrooms, and coming out happy and relieved while I was there super nervous. When the time came, I went into the class and I remember the worse moment ever was putting the pen in the computer and standing beside the screen. Once I said the first two phrases, everything else was so easy and fluid. When I ended, I was so overjoyed, I couldn’t believe that it was finally over; I felt so relieved and euphoric at the same time.
Nowadays, I can say that I am so proud of all that I have done and the mark I got. I’m so happy about the ending of all this stress, but, although the TdR is finished, we have to keep studying until selectivity.